What Every Girl Needs To Know About HIV And AIDS Prevention And Control Act

What Every Girl Needs To Know About Hiv And Aids Prevention And Control Act:According to the World Health Organization, 37.9 million people worldwide suffer from HIV including 18.8 million women over 15 years of age. HIV is transmitted from person to person through contact with infected blood, semen and vaginal fluid.

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Unprotected sex Vaginal or anal sex (or oral sex if you have a cut or sore mouth) greatly increases the risk of getting HIV from an infected partner. HIV can also be transmitted by using infected needles, syringes or drug tools. Most women have HIV during vaginal sex, although anal sex can also lead to HIV.

What Every Girl Needs To Know About HIV And AIDS Prevention And Control Act
What Every Girl Needs To Know About HIV And AIDS Prevention And Control Act

Symptoms of HIV in women(महिलाओं में एचआईवी के लक्षण)

Symptoms of HIV can vary in different cases. Symptoms can occur in 2–4 weeks if a woman has an infection. Often these symptoms are considered a common cold or flu rather than HIV. About 80 percent of people with HIV infection experience flu-like symptoms.


Experts believe that sometimes it can take several years for symptoms to appear. This is why it is very important for you and your partner to always test before starting sex. Getting tested for HIV requires early treatment to women and helps prevent the spread of the virus.

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What Every Girl Needs To Know About HIV And AIDS Prevention And Control Act

What Every Girl Needs To Know About HIV And AIDS
What Every Girl Needs To Know About HIV And AIDS

HIV and pregnancy(एचआईवी और गर्भावस्था)

During childbirth, HIV can also be transmitted from the mother to her child (called perinatal HIV) or through breastfeeding. This is the reason why all pregnant women are recommended for HIV screening during pregnancy. Use of antiretrovirals during pregnancy can help prevent and there is also cesarean and antiretroviral therapy for the baby after birth.

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Symptoms of acute HIV in women(महिलाओं में तीव्र एचआईवी के लक्षण)

The most common HIV symptoms in women in this phase include- body rash, fever, sore throat, severe headache etc. Less common HIV symptoms in women at this stage include swelling in the lymph node, nausea, fatigue, mouth ulcers, yeast infections, vaginal infections, night sweats, vomiting, muscle aches, and joint pain.

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